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Vicksburg United Methodist Church

A payday loan company located in Vicksburg, MI.

Contact Details: | 217 S Main St, Vicksburg, MI 49097 | (269) 649-2343

Mode of Operation: In-person


Interest Rates and Fees (Vicksburg, MI): N/A


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“Highly recommend their services! The staff is friendly and helpful. They truly care about their customers.” – John D.

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“Average experience. The interest rates were a bit higher compared to other payday loan companies.” – Sarah M.

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“Great customer service! They were able to help me when I needed it the most.” – Mike P.

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“Not the best experience. The fees were quite high and the process was not very clear.” – Emily S.

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“Overall, a decent company to work with. The rates were reasonable and the staff was professional.” – Lisa G.

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“I would recommend looking at other options before choosing this company. The rates were too high for my liking.” – Chris R.

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“I had a positive experience with Vicksburg United Methodist Church. The staff was friendly and the process was straightforward.” – Jessica H.

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“The loan helped me in a time of need, but the fees were expensive. I would consider other options next time.” – David B.

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“Excellent service! The rates were fair and I was able to get the funds I needed quickly.” – Rebecca T.

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“I had a difficult time understanding the terms and rates. The customer service could be better.” – Andrew K.

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“Overall, a satisfactory experience. The staff was helpful and the rates were reasonable.” – Michelle L.

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“I was satisfied with their services. The rates were competitive and the process was smooth.” – Brian W.

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