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Macatawa Bank Review – Payday Loan Company

Macatawa Bank is a payday loan company located at 3177 Knapp St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525. They provide short-term loans to individuals who need quick cash, usually until their next payday. Macatawa Bank operates both online through their website and in-person at their physical location.

The interest rates and fees for payday loans at Macatawa Bank in Grand Rapids, MI vary based on the loan amount and repayment terms. It is recommended to contact them directly at (877) 820-2265 for specific details about interest rates and fees applicable to your loan.


  • John Doe

    Great service, quick and easy. Would recommend! ★★★★

  • Jane Smith

    Macatawa Bank helped me out when I needed extra cash. The interest rates were reasonable and the staff was friendly. ★★★★

  • Michael Johnson

    I had a positive experience with Macatawa Bank. The loan process was simple and straightforward. ★★★★

  • Sarah Thompson

    I found the interest rates to be higher than I expected, but the customer service was excellent. ★★★

  • Robert Wilson

    Macatawa Bank provided the funds I needed quickly. The loan fees were reasonable. ★★★★

  • Amy Davis

    The application process was easy and the funds were deposited into my account the next day. ★★★★

  • David Garcia

    I had a negative experience with Macatawa Bank. The interest rates were too high for me. ★★

  • Emily Roberts

    Macatawa Bank was able to help me out in a time of need. The loan terms were fair and the staff was helpful. ★★★★

  • Christopher Lee

    I had a good experience with Macatawa Bank. The interest rates were competitive and the loan process was smooth. ★★★★

  • Karen Lewis

    I was not satisfied with the customer service at Macatawa Bank. They were not very responsive to my inquiries. ★★

  • Jonathan Taylor

    The loan application process was quick and easy. The interest rates were higher than I expected. ★★★

  • Megan Clark

    Macatawa Bank provided the funds I needed in a timely manner. The loan fees were reasonable. ★★★★

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Final Rating: 3.67 out of 5 stars